RCC Directory

Faculty & Staff

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Campus Security

Caple, Chandra

Director, Educational Partnerships

Phone: 336-342-4261 | Ext: 2130
Email: caplec@rockinghamcc.edu
Education: M.Ed., UNC-Greensboro
B.A., East Carolina University

Career Development Services

Carter, Iona


Carter, Iris

Career Development Services Specialist (Part-Time)

Phone: 336-342-4261 | Ext: 2330
Email: carteri6072@rockinghamcc.edu
Education: M.A., University of Phoenix
B.A., Guilford College

Carter, Lisa

Payroll Specialist

Phone: 336-342-4261 | Ext: 2294
Email: carterl@rockinghamcc.edu
Education: A.A.S., Rockingham Community College

Carter, Timothy


Chappell, Joy

Director, Human Resources/Title IX Coordinator

Phone: 336-342-4261 | Ext: 2265
Email: chappellj@rockinghamcc.edu
Education: M.S., North Carolina A&T State University
B.S., UNC-Charlotte
A.A., Rockingham Community College

Clark, Mariah

Faculty, Business Administration

Phone: 336-342-4261 | Ext: 2284
Email: clarkm6539@rockinghamcc.edu
Education: M.B.A., B.S., Liberty University
Diploma, Guilford Technical Community College

Collins, Jason

Department Chair, Public Service Technologies/Program Director, Emergency Medical Services

Phone: 336-342-4261 | Ext: 2111
Email: collinsj1503@rockinghamcc.edu
Education: M.H.S., Western Carolina University
B.S., Fayetteville State University
A.A.S., Guilford Technical Community College
A.A.S., Davidson County Community College

Continuing Education

Cook, Sierra


Covid-19 Information

Crouch, Benjamin

Department Chair, Humanities and Social Sciences/Assistant Professor, Music

Phone: 336-342-4261 | Ext: 2278
Email: crouchb6821@rockinghamcc.edu
Education: D.M.A., M.Mus., UNC – Greensboro
B.Mus., UNC-Chapel Hill

Cruise, Jonathan

Faculty, Applied Technologies

Phone: 336-342-4261 | Ext: 2134
Email: cruisej@rockinghamcc.edu
Education: B.S., North Carolina A&T State University
AAS, Diploma, Certificate, Rockingham Community College


Rockingham Community College
PO Box 38
215 Wrenn Memorial Rd.
Wentworth, NC 27375


Monday to Thursday:
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 3:00 pm


336-349-9986 (fax)