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Intro Early Childhood Education

EDU 3119

Intro to Early Childhood Education (EDU 3119) is a new short-term (8-week) continuing education offering designed to prepare students to work in a childcare facility.  Students learn how to design developmentally appropriate and inclusive lesson plans and activities for young children in alignment with NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development and state regulations.  At the end of the course, students will have obtained a qualifying letter which provides eligibility for employment in a childcare facility.  The course articulates to a curriculum program course for students who wish to pursue a certificate or associate degree in Early Childhood Education.

Instructor: TBA Cost: $190
Course Code Section Days Date Time Loc
EDU-3119-01 62319 M 02/10/25 – 04/11/25 5:00pm-7:00pm HUM  101 & Online

Intro to Early Childhood Education Registration form

Eagle Train & Gain Scholarship


Rockingham Community College
PO Box 38
215 Wrenn Memorial Rd.
Wentworth, NC 27375


Monday to Thursday:
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 3:00 pm


336-349-9986 (fax)