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Rakestraws donate to CWD

Apr 6, 2023
Two men hold a large check for $437,000

Rockingham Community College President Dr. Mark O. Kinlaw, at left, accepts a $437,000 check from Charles Rakestraw on behalf of the Rakestraw Family, in support of RCC’s new Center for Workforce Development. “Ten years ago, I-73 was the most important thing in the county. Now, it’s workforce development training,” Rakestraw said. “It helps recruit industry to the county, and to retain industry.” Donations provide scholarships for students enrolled in the Industrial Technologies programs that will be housed in the building, and for equipment and furnishings. The facility is under construction, with plans for classes to start there in summer 2024. 


Rockingham Community College
PO Box 38
215 Wrenn Memorial Rd.
Wentworth, NC 27375


Monday to Thursday:
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 3:00 pm


336-349-9986 (fax)