Industrial Technologies

Electrical Systems Technology

Home / Programs / Industrial Technologies / Mechatronics Engineering Technology (A40350)

Mechatronics Engineering Technology (A40350)

Associate in Applied Science

A course of study that prepares the students to use basic engineering principles and technical skills in developing and testing automated, servo-mechanical, and other electromechanical system. Includes instruction in prototype testing, manufacturing and operational testing, systems analysis and maintenance procedures.

Graduates should be qualified for employment in industrial maintenance and manufacturing including assembly, testing, startup, troubleshooting, repair, process improvement, and control systems, and should qualify to sit for Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute (PMMI) mechatronics or similar industry examinations.

Students enrolling in this program must purchase student accident insurance.

First Fall Semester Course List
Course Course Name Class Lab Credit
DFT 119 Basic Drafting 2 0 2
ELC 112 DC/AC Electricity 3 6 5
ISC 112 Industrial Safety 2 0 2
HYD 110 Hydraulics/Pneumatics 2 3 3
MEC 130 Mechanisms 2 2 3
Total 11 11 15
First Spring Semester Course List
Course Course Name Class Lab Credit
ATR 215 Sensors and Transducers 2 3 3
BPR 135 Schematics & Diagrams 2 0 2
ELC 117 Motors and Controls 2 6 4
MAT 121 Algebra/Trigonometry (or higher) 2 2 3
MNT 110 Introduction to Maintenance Procedures 1 3 2
Total 9 14 14
Summer Semester Course List
Course Course Name Class Lab Credit
Communication Elective 3 0 3
Social/Behavioral Science Elective Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3 0 3
Total 6 0 6
Second Fall Semester Course List
Course Course Name Class Lab Credit
ATR 112 Intro to Automation 2 3 3
ELC 114 Commercial Wiring 2 6 4
ELN 260 Programmable Logic Controls 3 3 4
PHY 131 Physics-Mechanics 3 2 4
Total 10 14 15
Second Spring Semester Course List
Course Course Name Class Lab Credit
ATR 212 Industrial Robotics 2 3 3
DFT 154 Intro to Solid Modeling 2 3 3
ELC 213 Instrumentation 3 2 4
WLD 110 World of Work 1 0 1
Communication Elective 3 0 3
Social/Behavioral Science Elective Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3 0 3
Total 14 8 17

Total Credits: 67

Communication Elective– Choose two of the following:

Choose one group:

ENG 110 & COM 110, ENG 11 & COM 120, ENG 111 & ENG 112

Humanities/Fine Arts Elective– Choose one of the following:

UGETC: ART 111, MUS 110, PHI 240
Gen Ed: HUM 115

Social Science Elective– Choose one of the following:

UGETC: PSY 150, SOC 210

Employment of electro-mechanical technicians is projected to grow 3% from 2019 to 2029, about as fast as the average for all occupations.

Rockingham Community College has three general education outcomes:

Communication: Students will communicate using the conventions appropriate for the intended academic or professional audience.

Information Literacy: Students will locate, evaluate, and use appropriate information for academic and professional tasks.

Critical Thinking: Students will analyze information and ideas and develop reasoned solutions to academic or professional problems. 

Pass Rates by Year


Rockingham Community College
PO Box 38
215 Wrenn Memorial Rd.
Wentworth, NC 27375


Monday to Thursday:
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 3:00 pm


336-349-9986 (fax)