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Manufacturing Day is October 5

Sep 21, 2017

October 5 is Manufacturing Day at RCC

Manufacturing Day at RCC is October 5. Local Manufacturers will showcase their work and Rockingham Community College faculty will be on hand to share information about their programs of study related to advanced manufacturing.

Jobs in the manufacturing sector are no longer dark, dangerous and designed for someone with little skill. The workplace of modern industry is clean, state-of-the-art, requires training and skills that are available at the college, and the jobs pay well.

Manufacturing Day is designed for students, educators, parents, the community and anyone else who is interested in learning more about the employment needs of local industry.

Participating industries include: Frontier Spinning, Inc.; Gildan Activewear Distribution; Commonwealth Brands, Inc.; Bibey Machine and Fabrication Co.; Henniges Automotive; Charlie’s Soap; Pine Hall Brick, Inc.; Global Textile Alliance, Inc. and Sgrtex, LLC.

Come see us in the Advanced Technologies building on the RCC Campus. The hours for Manufacturing Day are 9AM-12PM and 4-7PM.

At RCC you Start Local. Go Far. For more information call 336-342-4261 or www.rockinghamcc.edu.


Rockingham Community College
PO Box 38
215 Wrenn Memorial Rd.
Wentworth, NC 27375


Monday to Thursday:
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 3:00 pm


336-349-9986 (fax)