Learn how high school students can take free RCC courses
Apr 21, 2020Did you know that students can take RCC courses for FREE while they’re still in high school?
Join us for a webinar (or by phone) on Wednesday, April 22 at 2 p.m. to learn important information for Rockingham County rising juniors and rising seniors interested in taking classes through the NC Career and College Promise (dual enrollment) program while in high school.
This program allows students to earn college credit and high school credit at the same time, tuition free if the student meets eligibility requirements. Those college credits can transfer to a four-year university or be used toward learning new skills to jump-start a career.
This webinar is for individuals and/or their parents/guardians who attend a Rockingham County public, private, charter, or NC registered home school and have not yet taken classes through RCC’s CCP program.
RCC CCP staff will give an overview of the program, opportunities, and advising process, as well as answer questions. This will be recorded and placed on our CCP website, which contains information about the program.
Join the Zoom Meeting webinar at https://zoom.us/j/96592020404
Or just call in at 1-646-558-8656
Either way, you’ll need to enter the Meeting ID: 965 9202 0404