
Medical Legal Issues

This course introduces the complex legal, moral, and ethical issues involved in providing health-care services. Emphasis is placed on the legal requirements of medical practices; the relationship of physician, patient, and office personnel; professional liabilities; and medical practice liability. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate a working knowledge of current medical law and  Read More

Organization & Administration

This course introduces the components and functions of organization and administration as it applies to the agencies of the criminal justice system. Topics include operations/functions of organizations; recruiting, training, and retention of personnel; funding and budgeting; communications; span of control and discretion; and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to identify and  Read More

Intro to Criminal Justice

This course introduces the components and processes of the criminal justice system. Topics include history, structure, functions, and philosophy of the criminal justice system and their relationship to life in our society. Upon completion, students should be able to define and describe the major system components and their interrelationships and evaluate career options. This course  Read More

Data Structure & Algorithms

This course introduces the data structures and algorithms frequently used in programming applications. Topics include lists, stacks, queues, dequeues, heaps, sorting, searching, mathematical operations, recursion, encryption, random numbers, algorithm testing, and standards. Upon completion, students should be able to design data structures and implement algorithms to solve various problems.

Two-Dimensional Design

This course introduces the elements and principles of design as applied to two-dimensional art. Emphasis is placed on the structural elements, the principles of visual organization, and the theories of color mixing and interaction. Upon completion, students should be able to understand and use critical and analytical approaches as they apply to two-dimensional visual art.  Read More

Foundations of Education

This course introduces the examination of the American educational systems and the teaching profession. Topics include the4 historical and philosophical influences on education, various perspectives on educational issues, and experiences in birth through grade 12 classrooms. Upon completion, students should be able to reflect on classroom observations, analyze the different educational approaches, including classical/traditional and  Read More

Intro to Early Child Education

This course introduces the foundations of early childhood education, the diverse educational settings for young children, professionalism and planning intentional developmentally appropriate experiences for each child. Topics include theoretical foundations, national early learning standards, NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development, state regulations, program types, career options, professionalism, ethical conduct, quality inclusive environments, and curriculum  Read More

DC/AC Electricity

This course introduces the fundamental concepts of and computations related to DC/AC electricity. Emphasis is placed on DC/AC circuits, components, operation of test equipment; and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to construct, verify, and analyze simple DC/AC circuits.

Introduction to Chemistry

This course introduces the fundamental concepts of inorganic chemistry. Topics include measurement, matter and energy, atomic and molecular structure, nuclear chemistry, stoichiometry, chemical formulas and reactions, chemical bonding, gas laws, solutions, and acids and bases. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of chemistry as it applies to other fields. This  Read More

Elementary Spanish I

This course introduces the fundamental elements of the Spanish language within a cultural context. Emphasis is placed on the development of basic listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Upon completion, students should be able to comprehend and respond with grammatical accuracy to spoken and written Spanish and demonstrate cultural awareness. This course has been approved  Read More

Computer Crime Investigations

This course introduces the fundamental principles of computer crime investigation processes. Topics include crime scene/incident processing, information gathering techniques, data retrieval, collection and preservation of evidence, preparation of reports and court presentations. Upon completion, students should be able to identify cyber-crime activity and demonstrate proper investigative techniques to process the scene and assist in case  Read More

Team Sports

This course introduces the fundamentals of popular American team sports. Emphasis is placed on rules, equipment, and motor skills used in various sports. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of the sports covered. This course has been approved for transfer under the CAA and ICAA as a premajor and/or elective course requirement.

GTAW (TIG) Plate

This course introduces the gas tungsten arc (TIG) welding process. Topics include correct selection of tungsten, polarity, gas, and proper filler rod with emphasis placed on safety, equipment setup, and welding techniques. Upon completion, students should be able to perform GTAW fillet and groove welds with various electrodes and filler materials.

Drawing I

This course introduces the language of drawing and the use of various drawing materials. Emphasis is placed on drawing techniques, media, and graphic principles. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate competence in the use of graphic form and various drawing processes. Additional supplies at a cost of approximately $150 will be needed to  Read More

Painting I

This course introduces the language of painting and the use of various painting materials. Emphasis is placed on the understanding and use of various painting techniques, media, and color principles. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate competence in the use of creative processes directed toward the development of expressive form. Additional supplies at  Read More

Animal Science

This course introduces the livestock industry. Topics include nutrition, reproduction, production practices, diseases, meat processing, sustainable livestock production, and marketing. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of livestock production practices and the economic impact of livestock locally, regionally, state-wide, and internationally.

CNC Milling

This course introduces the manual programming, setup, and operation of CNC machining centers. Topics include programming formats, control functions, program editing, part production, and inspection. Upon completion, students should be able to manufacture simple parts using CNC machining centers.

Art Appreciation

This course introduces the origins and historical development of art. Emphasis is placed on the relationship of design principles to various art forms including but not limited to sculpture, painting, and architecture. Upon completion, students should be able to identify and analyze a variety of artistic styles, periods, and media. This course has been approved  Read More

Introduction to Jazz

This course introduces the origins and musical components of jazz and the contributions of its major artists. Emphasis is placed on the development of discriminating listening habits, as well as the investigation of the styles and structural forms of the jazz idiom. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate skills in listening and understanding  Read More

Engineering Materials

This course introduces the physical and mechanical properties of materials. Topics include materials testing, pre- and post-manufacturing processes, and material selection of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, plastics, composites, and non-conventional materials. Upon completion, students should be able to utilize basic material property tests and select appropriate materials for applications.

Rockingham Community College
PO Box 38
215 Wrenn Memorial Rd.
Wentworth, NC 27375


Monday to Thursday:
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 3:00 pm


336-349-9986 (fax)