College Statement on Coronavirus
Mar 9, 2020Rockingham Community College continues to monitor the outbreak of COVID-19 (2019 novel coronavirus) in North Carolina. As of March 9, there are no cases of coronavirus associated with RCC.
The College has identified a crisis response team, in the event of an outbreak in the community, and is working on contingency plans for maintaining continuity in education and essential operations.
The College has a Communicable Disease Policy in place (see below). If a situation arises, classes on campus may switch over to Moodle, enabling instruction to continue online, much like the College’s inclement weather plan. The College’s goal is to accommodate students and help them continue their education despite interruptions caused by coronavirus.
Announcements regarding coronavirus will be disseminated from the College’s Public Information Office. Anyone with questions or concerns about RCC’s procedures regarding coronavirus may contact Tony Gunn, Associate Vice President for Facilities and External Affairs, at 336-342-4261 ext. 2213 or
RCC does not have study abroad programs or international travel. Faculty, staff and students are asked to follow the health precautions outlined below, both on and off campus.
Important Links and Resources
U.S. Centers for Disease Control – information about COVID-19N.C. Department of Health and Human Services – information about COVID-19
U.S. Department of State – international travel information
Rockingham County Health Department
Health Precautions
At all times, it is best to practice good hygiene to mitigate the spread of infectious disease. The College is taking additional precautions to keep facilities clean, but everyone can do their part to help:
1. Practice frequent handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
2. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol (washing with soap and water is always preferred). Hand sanitizing stations are located inside every building on campus.
3. Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.
4. Cough/sneeze into a tissue.
5. Clean and disinfect frequently used objects and surfaces.
6. Avoid close contact with anyone who is sick.
7. If you feel sick with fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, and have traveled to infected areas or were in close contact with someone with COVID-19 in the 14 days before you began to feel sick, seek medical care. Before you go to a doctor’s office or emergency room, call ahead and tell them about your recent travel and your symptoms.
RCC Communicable Disease Policy
(Approved by Board of Trustees Nov. 13, 2012)
Rockingham Community College recognizes that students and employees with communicable illnesses, conditions, or diseases may wish to engage in as many of their normal activities as their condition allows, including educational and work programs. Furthermore, the College is aware of the inter-relatedness and complexity of the medical, legal, and social problems sometimes associated with these illnesses or diseases. Unless otherwise determined on a case by case basis the College shall ensure that affected persons will not be excluded from enrollment or employment or restricted in their access to services or facilities of the College.
Implementation – Persons who know or have reasonable basis for believing that they have an infectious disease or illness are expected to seek expert advice about their health circumstances and are obligated to conduct themselves responsibly in accordance with such knowledge for the protection of other members of the campus community.
RCC Communicable Disease Plan
(Revised March 26, 2019)
In addition to the above policy, the College has a Communicable Disease Plan in place. Employees of the College may access the Plan in the Employee Portal. Under Emergency Information, click Safety Plans, and then Communicable Disease Plan.
International Travel Recommendations
If you are planning personal international travel during Spring Break or another time, faculty, staff, and students are urged to stay informed and follow U.S. government guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and U.S. Department of State . Remember that your reentry to the United States may be impacted by the evolving situation. Register travel through the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) , a free service to allow U.S. citizens and nationals traveling and living abroad to enroll their trip with the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate. Registration allows you to be easily located by embassy personnel in the event of an emergency.