Finding a job is a full-time job!
Searching for a job involves more than just filling out applications or submitting resumes and waiting for a response.
- Resumes are an advertisement of your abilities and should only list the abilities related to the posted opening or type of job wanted.
- Interviews are more than memorizing answers to questions that may or may not be asked.
Be sure to visit our job board. Any job seeker can view job listings from area employers as well as employers associated with more than 30 other North Carolina community and technical colleges associated with College Central.
Job Search Resources
The following is a list of suggested websites that may be used for job search and are active and up-to-date as of Sept. 2024. These sites are provided as a resource and are not in any way endorsed or guaranteed by Rockingham Community College. Staff at Career Development Services are able and ready to assist you with your job search, resume preparation, interview tips, and other needs in obtaining employment. Please contact us with any questions or for an appointment!
General Search
Former Offenders
Persons with Disabilities
Career Development Services Checklist
Use this list to help you locate resources and complete tasks that will aid in your job search.
Who have you contacted regarding your job plans or to ask for help?
- Family
- Friends, neighbors, acquaintances
- Past employers
- Instructors/Teachers
- School/Agency Career Counselors
- Fellow job seekers
- Previous co-workers
Which sources and techniques have you used?
- Job/Career Fairs
- NCWorks Career Center
- Chamber of Commerce Directories
- Bulletin Boards
- Job Search Websites
- Career Guidance/Placement Centers
- Temporary Employment Agencies
- Social Networking Sites
- News stories of employer activities
- Cold calls to inquire about positions
- Written letters/emails to employers
- Visits to employers
- Recommendations from non-hiring employers
- Current Employees
- Volunteer/Internship/Apprenticeship
Have you…
- Created a resume
- Attended a resume/job search workshop
- Had your resume reviewed by two others
- Revised your resume for each application
- Spoken with a job counselor
Which of the following have you done?
- Found a mentor to advise you
- Conducted an informational interview
- Created a reference list
- Asked references for permission to use them
- Sent a copy of your resume to your references
Do you…
- Research the employer
- Practice interview skills
- Clarify your career goals
- Know your skills related to the position
- Clarify the interview process
- Prepare questions to ask employer
- Write notes during and after the interview
- Send a “Thank You” note after the interview
Do you…
- Organize and plan your job search
- Follow up on applications

- 75% of resumes are rejected by Applicant Tracking Systems (scanners)
- When a resume finally reaches human hands, it takes an average of 7.4 seconds to screen it.
- The average job search takes nearly five months
- 75% of current positions are unadvertised (requiring networking and outreach)
ConsumerAffairs. “Job search statistics 2024 [2024]” Jun. 26, 2024,
Employers, are you wanting to advertise open positions at your organization? Visit our Employers page for more information.