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Career Development Services can help you determine your options for obtaining or continuing education, and we provide a variety of courses to prepare individuals for the job market. We’re available to adults of all ages. See the information below regarding Courses and Workshops or use the Class Interest Form to request as well as suggest additional classes and workshops.

Courses & Workshops



A variety of in-person workshops are offered throughout the year, some on a regular basis, both on campus and at NCWorks Career Center of Rockingham County

  • Resumes: An In-depth Guide covers content and format appropriate for resumes and cover letters.
  • Get Noticed: Best resume and interview practices provides information on Applicant Tracking Systems used by employers, how to adjust resumes and cover letters for various positions, and preparing for an interview.
  • Job Search: Strategies that Work helps jobseekers organize and track their leads and applications, develop additional sources for job leads beyond job boards, and how to network.
  • Soft Skills: How to get and keep a job explains what soft skills are, what employers are seeking, as well as discusses communications and conflict resolution and reliability and dependability in the job setting.

Online workshops related to soft skills and job search are also available on-demand. Contact our office to gain access to the materials.

  • Choose a Career – Consider the future, influences, conflicting goals and create an action plan (Approx. 3.5 hours)
  • Getting a Job – Identify your skills, practice through an interactive interview, prepare, develop online professional presence and more in the self-paced program. (Approx. 4 hours)
  • Success in Work – Address soft skills like fitting into a new job, teamwork, doing a good job, adjust your attitude, and gain motivation

Classes are available at no cost if one of the following applies:

200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. For each additional person, add $10,760.


Rockingham Community College
PO Box 38
215 Wrenn Memorial Rd.
Wentworth, NC 27375


Monday to Thursday:
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 3:00 pm


336-349-9986 (fax)