CCP Enrollment Steps

New Students

Are you eligible to take CCP classes? Find out here.

  1. RCC Online Application – Once the application has been processed, students will be sent instructions from Admissions on how to access RCC accounts via letter addressed to the student, sent to the address submitted in the application.
    RCC Application Instructions
  2. CCP Enrollment Form – Please read this application and the expectations carefully.
    Students from Rockingham County Schools, Bethany Community School, & Community Baptist or other private school: Please complete fillable application and then email to your counselor using your OFFICIAL HIGH SCHOOL EMAIL address. Your counselor will then secure principal consent and send to either Ms. Caple or Ms. Galloway using their official high school email address.
    Home School students: Once you receive your letter from Admissions detailing how to log into your RCC student email, please follow the instructions to log in and use the RCC student email address to submit your CCP application to Ms. Caple or Ms. Galloway.
  3. Request Transcripts from your High School
    Rockingham County School students: Please have your counselor email your transcript from their official school email address to either Chandra Caple at or Sharon Galloway at OR request your transcript be sent from CFNC. This requires your RCS student ID (lunch room) number. Instructions can be found here.
    BCS and CBS or other private school students: Please have your counselor email your transcript from their official school email address to either Chandra Caple at or Sharon Galloway at .
    Home school students: Please submit your official typed and signed transcripts from your RCC student email address to either Chandra Caple at or Sharon Galloway at . More information on what is required on a transcript can be found here. *For students who do not meet GPA requirements: Counselors will be contacted to provide test scores or principal recommendation forms for students interested in CTE programs of study.*
  4. Advising – Once all information is received and processed, RCC CCP Staff will contact students individually to discuss course requests and availability.
  5. Consent to Release Information to High Schools – For RCS, BCS, & CBS or other private schools: Once we are able to be together in person, Ms. Caple or Ms. Galloway will meet with you to discuss consent to release grades and information to your high school.

Current Students

(Students who have taken a CCP course in Fall 2019 or Spring 2020)

  1. Submit the Returning CCP Advising Survey
  2. Ms. Caple or Ms. Galloway will contact you to discuss course requests.
  3. Request transcript from your high school to be sent to Ms. Caple or Mrs. Galloway—must be making progress toward HS graduation and maintain a 2.0 RCC GPA to continue.
  4. For RCS, BCS, & CBS or other private schools: Once we are able to be together in person, Ms. Caple or Ms. Galloway will meet with you to discuss consent to release grades and information to your high school.



Rockingham Community College
PO Box 38
215 Wrenn Memorial Rd.
Wentworth, NC 27375


Monday to Thursday:
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 3:00 pm


336-349-9986 (fax)