This information is provided for students who are interested in transferring to a 4-year institution. Each university name is linked to transfer information on the university’s website. The phone number provided is assigned to the transfer office at the university. Links will be monitored, but since they are owned by another institution, they can be changed without our knowledge. If you notice an error, please contact Celeste Allis at or Olivia Brookshire at
Note: All 16 NC State-Supported “Public” Universities participate in the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA).
- Phone: (828) 262-7877
- Transfer Guides/Degree Plans
- Phone: (252) 328-6747
- Transfer Guides/Degree Plans
- Phone: (252) 335-3305
- Transfer Guides/Degree Plans
- Phone: (910) 672-2850
- Transfer Guides/Degree Plans
- Phone: (336) 334-7946
- Transfer Guides/Degree Plans
- Phone: (919) 530-6298
- Phone: (919) 515-2434
- Transfer Guides/Degree Plans
- Phone: (828) 251-6481
- Transfer Guides/Degree Plans
- Phone: (919) 966-3621
- Transfer Guides/Degree Plans
- Phone: (704) 687-5507
- Transfer Guides/Degree Plans
- Phone: (336) 344-5243
- Transfer Guides/Degree Plans
- Phone: (910) 521-6262
- Transfer Guides/Degree Plans
- Phone: (910) 962-3243
- Transfer Guides/Degree Plans
- Phone: (336) 770-3290
- Phone: (828) 227-7317
- Transfer Guides/Degree Plans
- Phone: (336) 750-2074
- Transfer Guides/Degree Plans