RCC Statement to the Community
Mar 20, 2020Rockingham Community College continues to adapt in response to COVID-19, including switching to online instruction on Monday, March 23.
College operations continue, and staff members are currently working on campus. The schedule of maintenance staff has shifted to better accommodate extra cleaning efforts during the College’s regular business hours.
A Crisis Response Team meets frequently to address changes that are recommended or mandated from the Governor, the health department, and from the North Carolina Community College System. The goal is to serve students through the best means possible in an effort to maintain continuity of their education.
All events on campus have been canceled through April 5, after which time the Crisis Response Team will decide whether to continue. Athletics are canceled for the rest of the semester.
A temporary teleworking policy has been adopted, which presents an opportunity for most faculty and staff to work from home. Beginning early next week, most faculty and staff will be working from home until further notice. Although most employees will be working from home, it is the commitment of our College to continue to serve our students and our service area at the highest level.
Spring break, originally scheduled for Wednesday-Friday, March 11-13, was extended an extra week through Friday, March 20 for students in a majority of programs. Not only has this kept the campus population to a minimum, it also afforded faculty a dedicated week to prepare to instruct their students online, beginning Monday, March 23. They are ready to teach in that manner for the remainder of the spring semester, and are ready to offer summer courses online as well.
In the meantime, the College has arranged opportunities for students who do not have a home computer or internet service to use equipment and internet in various locations around campus for their online classes or classwork. Social distancing measures have been put in place in these locations. These facilities are set up for students only; family members and the public are not allowed at this time. Work stations are spread apart, equipment and desks are wiped down after each use, gloves are available, and students must sign a waiver that have no symptoms of COVID-19 and have not been in contact with anyone who does. RCC will supply a clean pen or pencil for each student to use.
In the Advanced Technologies Building, two computer labs will be open for students, plus two classrooms where students can bring their own computers and connect to RCC’s free Wi-Fi.
The James Library will also be open for students; it is closed to the public at this time.
Students who are in classes that require proctored assessment can make appointments 24-48 hours in advance for the Testing Center in the Advanced Technologies Building.
Hours for these three buildings have been emailed to students, and are also available at www.rockinghamcc.edu.
The College continues to accept registrations for the summer semester, which may be busier than usual since online classes are being offered and many university students are at home. Summer registration ends on May 18. Fall registration begins on April 8. The College is open for business to serve students and to help register students for both summer and fall semesters.
For more information or updates, visit www.rockinghamcc.edu or call 336-342-4261.