7 complete Respiratory Therapy program
May 13, 2021
Seven students have completed the Associate in Applied Science Degree in Respiratory Therapy at Rockingham Community College.
An official pinning ceremony was held on Thursday, May 6; the students will graduate on Friday, May 14.
The Respiratory Therapy graduates are Megan Glenn and Tena Madren Shaver of Reidsville, Catherine Troxler of Ruffin, Jatinder Kaur and Alissa Shamburger of Greensboro, Tammy Turner of Burlington, and Katelyn Washington of Kernersville.
These graduates spent five semesters completing 73 credit hours in the program. They are now eligible to complete the credentialing process through the National Board for Respiratory Care, which will qualify them for a license to practice in a variety of healthcare settings with responsibilities for assessment, treatment, management and education of patients with cardiopulmonary diseases.