23 finish Practical Nursing
Aug 13, 2024Twenty-three students have finished the Practical Nursing program at Rockingham Community College. They received their caps and pins during a special evening ceremony on July 25.
These graduates are now eligible to apply to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-PN), which is required for practice as a Licensed Practical Nurse. Their employment opportunities include hospitals, rehabilitation/long term care/home health facilities, clinics, and physicians’ offices.
The following students graduated from the program:
Zachary Agee, Parker Banks, Bryanna Brooks, Cesar Chavez, Brenda Dickerson, Cheyanne Draughn, Nolan Hall, Takia Hayes, Alyssa Jackson, Abbigail Johnson, Wylette Jones, Anam Kashmala, Angel Moreno, Jacob Osuna, Abigail Pearson, Ta’miya Riddle, Emily Rivas-Jimenez, Allison Shelton, Jessica Smith, Stephanie Stone, Crisann Tilley, Dondra Tucker, and Sierra Walker.