Eaglemania Begins in June
May 18, 2017RCC’s Eaglemania Begins in June
It is time to register for Eaglemania, RCC’s summer day camp for kids ages 7-17. Eaglemania is a day camp experience where kids can get creative, physically fit, learn and have fun!
This year, students of all ages have the opportunity to learn more about STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) through a variety of activities including: rocketry, drones, robotics, electronics, circuits and more.
The first session will be held June 12-16 with additional session beginning each week through mid-July. No sessions will be held July 3- 7. Horsemanship, tennis, cooking, sewing, musical theatre, and cosmetology are just a few of the opportunities available during Eaglemania 2017.
Registration forms are available on the RCC website at www.rockinghamcc.edu. For more information call 336.342-4261, ext. 2006 or 2011.